Boeing forwarded me the results of an Intel survey conducted Oct. 4 on business travel habits: Connexion by Boeing is deeply interested in these numbers, as you can imagine, and I'll fulfill the greatest wishes of a press person (whether at Intel or Boeing) by posting in full these details:
In-flight connectivity is the No. 1 amenity requested by business travelers, and that demand increases continually.
Seventy-five percent of business travelers carry their laptop in flight.
Seventy-one percent of business travelers are convinced that Wi-Fi will enable business travelers to seize a communications advantage over their competition.
While only one in 10 business travelers has tried Wi-Fi, nearly 90 percent see wireless computing in their future.
When working in the office, 31 percent of business travelers reply to e-mail within one hour. When traveling, only seven percent respond within that same time frame.
Thirty percent of business travelers do not respond to e-mail for 48 hours or more while on a business trip.
One third of survey respondents said they have suffered significant consequences-such as missed meetings, lost revenue, irate customers, disappointed family members and even job termination-as a result of not having timely access to the Internet while on the road.