TapRoot offers Windows Mobile, Symbian Series 60 option for sharing cell data over Wi-Fi: TapRoot's software lets you turn a cell phone with a data connection into a Wi-Fi hotspot. The free demo version allows a single user to connect at a time over Wi-Fi; a full-feature version is in the works that they'd resell to carriers (they hope). No consumer plans are sold. This is the second phone-as-hotspot package to appear this year. JoikuSpot was released last month, but works just with Nokia Symbian phones.
Greyhound offers Wi-Fi on northeastern corridor buses: The aging bus company gets modern with its BoltBus service, which launches March 26 between Manhattan and Washington, D.C., with promotional $1 tickets each way (purchased online, in advance). The buses will have a little more legroom along with the free cellular-network-backed Wi-Fi. The bus company told Wi-Fi Planet that the Internet access wouldn't be perfect--"may be very slow or spotty"--an admirable bit of truthfulness, but there are 110-volt outlets on board that makes for entertaining diversions (like watching DVDs) between good connectivity.
give old GH some credit, 110v outlets!!! where have you seen that on an other transpo..??