The device-centric firm and service launches its release version at the DEMO 07 Conference: Devicescape wants to have each piece of Wi-Fi-equipped gear you carry wear a unique identifier, and use lightweight software to allow those devices to log in to hotspot networks, home networks, and, potentially, enterprise networks. Rather than work to cut deals or build software that lets a given VoIP handset connect to a given network, Devicescape is device and network agnostic, working to build as many connections between devices and Wi-Fi networks as possible. I wrote a long article on their goals last year.
Their 1.0 release supports one Linksys phone, the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet, Windows XP SP2, and Windows Mobile 5. However, they added or are near adding several hotspot networks to their system--these connections don't indicate partnerships, but the technical ability for their supported devices to log in. AT&T FreedomLink is now missing from their list, but T-Mobile is still there. (See comment below.) They're working on getting Wayport and Boingo, among other networks, added.
AT&T Freedomlink (SSID:attwifi) is still a fully supported network for Devicescape, and works with all our devices at all of their US locations including McDonalds restaurants, Barnes and Noble bookstores and UPS Stores.
As of today we have 11 fully tested networks around the world, and 24 that we are still confirming support for (including Wayport). We are also adding new networks as fast as they are being reported to us by our growing user community. Since we don't need a business relationship with a network to be able to support them, we can normally get a network added to the list within a day or so of it being reported to us.