Delicious Monster produces software in a coffeeshop: This is the most comprehensive and best story I've seen written about the relationship between Zoka Coffee's University Village cafe and the software company Delicious Monster. The company has no offices; rather, they work out of the cafe. While it's not unusual for individuals to adopt cafes as their working locations, nor for virtual companies to hold meetings in other venues, this appears to be unique. Zoka has free Wi-Fi in all its Seattle locations. They recently expanded the U Village branch, too.
Zoka's owner said to me when I was writing about Victrola Cafe turning off its Wi-Fi on the weekends last summer: "Students and young people are the majority of people who hang out at coffee shops, and they all use Internet and computers as a major part of the day," said Jeff Babcock, Zoka's owner. "And I'm not going to exclude that. If it gets too busy and packed, I'll build another one."