Rochester, N.Y., considers downtown Wi-Fi: A business development group is studying whether offering Wi-Fi (free, fee, sponsored, or other models) would be beneficial to the city's downtown. (When I worked for Kodak, not out of Rochester, the rumor was that George Eastman had chosen the town because it was so often gray, thus making it easier to produce film. Just another jealous tale told by Buffalo residents, I'm sure.)
Piedmont Triad in the Winston-Salem, N.C., area unwires: Opti-Fi turns on Wi-Fi service at the local airport on Tuesday. The cost is $2.99 for 15 minutes and 25 cents thereafter or $7.95 per day. Opti-Fi is partnered with other companies for resale, however, including their recent T-Mobile HotSpot deal. Downtown Winston-Salem has had free Wi-Fi since March 2003.