Take Control of Your AirPort Network is an ebook aimed at Mac users who want to build, secure, and extend a wireless network: My latest book -- electronic only, $5, 89 pages -- covers the ins and outs of setting up a wireless network for Macintosh users. I spend a lot of time covering Apple AirPort, the dominant method by which Mac users cut the cord, but I also present the less expensive alternatives and associated tradeoffs.
The book covers how to choose a base station, solving basic configuration problems, and has an 11-page section on setting up your own dynamic addressing using DHCP and NAT through a variety of techniques. I also go deep on extending range and securing a setup, with appendixes that include configuring AirPort Express (shipping any day now), and picking alternative Wi-Fi adapters for both older and newer Macs.
The idea behind this series of books is to provide highly focused, short titles at a low price. For five bucks, how can you go wrong?