Bluesocket says it won 160 new customers in the third quarter: Looks like that means organizations are growing satisfied with the security that a Bluesocket can add to a WLAN.
Bluesocket scored some pretty big name customers—Del Monte, NASA, the Weather Channel plus some healthcare organizations.
Well, I may be a bit overambitious by saying that enterprises are satisifed with available security patches for WLANs. This Infonetics study shows that concern over security is still slowing down adoption of WLANs in the enterprise. Nonetheless, the firm expects to see nearly $3 billion in spending in end-user spending on WLAN products by 2007.
An IDC study also notes that WLAN acceptance in the enterprise is still slow. A Gartner analyst attributes the slow take-up to security concerns plus the lack of built-in Wi-Fi in the majority of laptops in use today.