Mehr Licht! RF lighting might beat out Wi-Fi?: Slashdot weighs in on Steve Stroh's article from last summer in his Focus on Broadband Wireless Access newsletter about the potential for RF lighting (a method of illumination using radio waves) disrupting Wi-Fi.
Alan Reiter plans two-thirds day conference on using Wi-Fi at conferences!: an excellent topic, this 8 am to 1 pm conference in Washington, D.C., should help conference planners better incorporate wireless data into how they support attendees.
SpectraLink now has voice priority for its Wi-Fi phone when used with Symbol networks: SpectraLink, makers of a phone that works over 802.11b to a central phone switch, now interoperates with Symbol equipment, offering voice prioritization for that company's Wi-Fi networking gear. Telephony, unlike data, waits for no one, and a regular stream of packets must continuously be fed on a scheduled, priority basis to ensure clear voice calls. This quality of service (QoS) improvement works with Symbol NetLink wireless 802.11b networks among others. Symbol makes primarily logistics equipment, which means their networks and devices are often installed in warehouses and other spread-out locations in which telephony via conventional wires would be expensive, and proprietary wireless telephony equally tricky.
Three Times Fast: Service-Centric Service: Apple offers up some more information on its upcoming Mac OS X 10.2 release, including a longer paragraph on Rendezvous, its IP-based resource discovery system which supports wireless, wired, and FireWire networks.